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Swallowtail butterfly

Join us on Zoom for this talk with Galina Jönsson.

'Many insect species are declining at alarming rates while others are booming, but we do not know precisely why. I am seeking answers to these questions in museums’ preserved butterfly collections. My research extends past population trends back to include earlier periods of accelerating human pressures like climate change and habitat loss.’ 

We are in the midst of a climate emergency, and incomplete knowledge of historical biodiversity change is limiting our understanding of the separate and interacting effects of climate change, land-use change and other human pressures on wildlife. Galina Jönsson discusses the process of digitalising the Natural History Museum’s collection and the benefits this resource can bring to butterfly conservation.

Galina Jönsson is a PhD student. 

FREE of CHARGE - please register your place. 

Book your place for this free online talk here


Wednesday, 18 May, 2022 - 19:00 to 20:00