Pictured: white admiral, Limenitis camilla
200-year trend in Cambridgeshire: Little change.
Modern records
The vague nature of Jenyns’ entry on this species, which lists only one locality, suggests that it was rarely seen in the county during his time. The white admiral requires woodland sites with sunny clearings and the species is still very limited in its distribution today, with only a few individuals being seen in Cambridgeshire each year at Brampton Wood and Monks Wood. However, it should be noted that these sites are in Huntingdonshire and this section of Cambridgeshire was a separate county when Jenyns was alive. Therefore, Jenyns would not have listed these locations in his notes, even if the white admiral was found there when he was making his recordings. Climate change is possibly helping the white admiral to spread, but loss of its honeysuckle foodplant through deer browsing is possibly reducing its abundance in sites, with overall neutral results.
National records map
White admiral national records map: https://species.nbnatlas.org/species/NBNSYS0100003750