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  • green hairstreak

green hairstreak

Pictured: green hairstreak, Callophrys rubi

Notes from Jenyns: Taken at Fen Ditton by J.C. Dale, Esq.~ Said to have been seen also at Cherry Hinton. “Found in plenty (neighbourhood of Cambridge) hovering over the flowers of Rubus caesius early in the morning.” ~ Mr Lee.

200-year trend in Cambridgeshire: Decline.

Modern records

This species has suffered large declines since Jenyns’ day, and is now thought to be uncommon in Cambridgeshire, as opposed to being “found in plenty”. It is usually only seen in a few select locations across the county such as Devils Dyke and Barnack Hills and Holes, although records can pop up elsewhere.

National records map

Green hairstreak national records map: