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  • small blue

small blue

Pictured: small blue, Cupido minimus

Notes from Jenyns: Occurs on the Devil’s Ditch sparingly; ~ Beginning of June. ~ Gogmagog Hills. ~

200-year trend in Cambridgeshire: Decline (but numbers may be on the rise again).

Modern records

 Jenyns’ notes show that the small blue was never abundant and was only known ‘sparingly’ from a couple of sites across Cambridgeshire. In the early 2000s it was thought to have been lost from the county all together, with the populations Jenyns mentions at Devil’s Ditch and Gogmagog disappearing. However, although still very scarce, the small blue has recently been rediscovered in the county at Trumpington Meadows. 

National records map

Small blue national records map: